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How to Use?


Step one: Think about a moment you wish to record in your kit ( could be an ongoing event - travel, marriage, first job, rejection , journey of a start up - or some event from the past - family history, your first day at school , your teenage years ).


Step two: Pick up the journal & begin writing about the event in detail. While stuck at writing look at the prompt words & phrases at the back of the journal. The dice acts as a writing prompt.


Step three: If you wish to draw out your journey/ history then do so on the My History Map. It’s a blank sheet of paper - draw the experience on the map or stick things related to your story like pictures, souvenirs etc on the map.


Step four: When bored go for the Tangram - it’s a traditional Chinese Puzzle that will not only relieve you of all the history making stress but also build your other skills.


Voila! your history is recorded for eternity inside a kit. 

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